FISW Personnel Roles and Responsibilities - Administration / Faculty / Staff
Many stakeholders will contribute to the effective implementation of this DLP. The roles and responsibilities of FISW campus personnel are delineated below.
FISW Leadership Team
Create and distribute FIS’ Distance Learning Plan, or DLP
Establish clear channels of communications between faculty, staff, families, and students in the event of this DLP being activated
Support faculty and students/families shifting to a distance learning environment
Help teachers implement DLP and ensure high-quality learning experience for all students
First Steps - Grade 1 Homeroom Teachers
Use PowerLearning for parent communication and Seesaw to interact with students as our main distance learning systems
Work together with the grade- level team to ensure consistency and a shared workload via Zoom or Google Hangouts
Post one message to Seesaw by 9:00 each morning that explains the day’s learning focus, mini lessons, and learning engagements
Be available to students online during regular school hours
Remain flexible, responsive and positive. Students will be affected by the closure in different ways and will need us
Maintain regular communication with families based on essential communication agreements in consultation with the divisional principal
Provide opportunities for students to engage in whole class live sessions via Zoom once per day to connect with each other and maintain relationships
Be aware when creating learning activities of the support and resources that parents will need to provide
Keep track of students who have submitted documentation of learning engagements, viewed videos and participated in live sessions
Grades 2-5 Homeroom Teachers
Grades 2-5 use PowerLearning for parent communication
Grades 2-5 use Seesaw to interact with students
Work together with your team so that there is consistency and a shared workload via Zoom or Google Hangouts
Post one video by 9:00 each morning that explains the day’s learning focus, mini lessons, and learning engagements
Be available to students online for regular school hours
Embrace flexibility, responsiveness and positivity. Students will be affected by the closure in different ways and will need us
Maintain regular communication with families. Decide with your team about essential communication agreements and seek consultation of your divisional principal
Provide an opportunity for students to check in with them in a whole class live session via Zoom once per day to give them a chance to connect with each other and maintain a sense of relationships
Develop detailed learning activities for students that they can work on independently. It’s key that homework doesn’t assume that the parents take on the role of the teacher
Keep track of students who have submitted documentation of learning engagements, viewed videos and participated in live sessions
PYP FS - Grade 5 Specialist Teachers
*All specialist teachers follow the expectations in the homeroom teacher section for their particular grade levels and use the below framework to plan for learning. At FISW this set includes Art, Music, PE.
Develop learning engagements for their specialist areas and post learning engagement options for the week via Seesaw
Grades 2-5 PE, Music and Art teachers will host 1 live lesson per week for students, intentionally planned to occur on different days to balance out the work students are asked to complete in one day. Other days may be recorded or completion of previously assigned asynchronous assignments.
Post learning engagement options for the week via Seesaw. All learning engagements will be detailed and keep in mind that the lessons may need to temporarily deviate from the current curriculum mapping. For example, if PE is doing parkour, they may need to provide options like yoga on the TIC TAC TOE chart, for example.
FISW PYP German Teachers
*All German teachers follow the expectations in the homeroom teacher section and use the below framework to plan for learning.
PP/P/1 German teachers will develop learning engagements for their specialist areas and post these options for the week via Seesaw.
Grades 2-5 German teachers will post two videos a week to Seesaw; one on Tuesday and one on Thursday, that explains the lesson’s focus and learning engagements. There must be 1 face to face live session a week, whole group and/or small groups across the week.
Teachers will post work for the day via Seesaw each Tuesday and Thursday morning by 9:00.
FISW PYP Learning Support Teachers
*All LS teachers follow the expectations in the homeroom teacher section and use the below framework to plan for learning.
Communicate regularly with the subject or classroom teachers who teach the students on your caseload
Help subject or classroom teacher differentiate lessons and activities for the students on your caseload
Communicate regularly with students on your caseload and/or their parents to ensure they have success with distance learning
Provide supplementary learning activities for students on your caseload who may benefit from additional practice to close academic and curricular gaps
Grades 2-5 LS teachers will post two videos a week to Seesaw; one on Monday and one on Wednesday, that explains the lesson’s focus and learning engagements and will post work for the day via Seesaw each Monday and Wednesday morning by 9:00.
PYP ELA Teachers
*All ELA teachers follow the expectations in the homeroom teacher section and use the below framework to plan for learning.
Collaborate with homeroom teachers to support them in differentiating DL for any ELA students who may need this.
Communicate regularly with students on your caseload and/or their parents to ensure they have success with distance learning
Grades 2-5 ELA teachers will post two videos a week to Seesaw; one on Monday and one on Wednesday, that explains the lesson’s focus and learning engagements and will post work for the day via Seesaw each Monday and Wednesday morning by 9:00.
FISW PYP Teaching Assistants and Student Learning Coaches
Student Learning Coaches work with Inclusion Coordinator to identify needs and support for working with the students on caseload.
Communicate regularly with classroom teachers to identify ways you can support students and contribute to the DLP
Assist with your grade-level teams and/or team leader for communication plan to parents and students
Engage in professional development as assigned by the principal
FISW PYP Counselor
Our Counselor will schedule check-ins with all students on her caseload that have profiles of anxiety, depression, behavioral needs or emotional needs.
Our Counselor will be available for any students who begin to experience emotional distress in a DL situation. She will set up times with students and their families who request it via Zoom.
FISW PYP Cross Divisional Faculty (Subject Teachers/Instructional Coaches/PYPC's)
These faculty members will support by developing distance learning options for grade levels to use in their planning that are connected to units whenever possible.
These individuals may be asked to offer live read-alouds connected to their subject areas for students to attend via Zoom as optional activities.
These individuals will be available to meet via Zoom or google hangouts with teams for planning (according to their normal team planning time).
Teams with Meeting Schedules during DLP
The team meeting times are varied but will include the following teams:
FS-G1 Team
G2 - G5 Team
Single Subjects Teams
Student Support Team (LS/Counselor/Nurse)
G6-G8 MS Advisory Team
G6-G8 MS Teaching Team
English Language Acquisition Team
Leadership Team
FISW Grades 6-8 Teachers
Plan and deliver aligned learning experiences according to the normal teaching schedule.
Ensure that learning expectations and approaches to learning are being addressed in their lessons.
Collaborate and communicate with grade level teams (Zoom, Google Hangout) to ensure that there is some consistency in student experience.
Use the Learning Management System you regularly use (Powerschool and/or Google Classroom).
Where relevant, utilize Zoom video for synchronous group discussions and screencasts to explain key topics.
Conduct assessments and check for understanding at appropriate times.
Be available at regular times for student questions or conferences.
Regularly review available PD resources to optimize student learning experiences in an extended online environment.
FISW Grades 6-8 Advisors
Provide guidance and support for students to aid in monitoring and supporting student wellbeing
Meet daily as a group to agree timetable for the day at 8:15.
Meet with their advisory group daily at 8:35 for attendance.
Use virtual platforms (Zoom, Google Hangout) to conduct advisory check-ins with students in their cohorts.
Collaborate with colleagues to find and create resources for high-quality distance learning experiences and research
Regularly check in with subject and classroom teachers to identify ways to support their design of distance learning experiences
Maintain and update online library site for obtaining resources
Be available for teachers and students as needed for support
Tech Support Team
Review and develop how-to tutorials, ensuring teachers, students, and parents have the necessary manuals to excel in a distance learning environment
Continually monitor the needs of teachers, students, and parents and troubleshoot their challenges, as needed
Be available in person or remotely to provide on-demand tech support help
Audit usage to identify students or parents who may be unavailable or out of reach